The Lights is a fun platforming game with a slight twist.

Useful keyboard shortcuts:

- Q to reset level

- R to switch lighting

- Esc to go back to menu


2023/08/19 - Bug fixes


Made in Unity 2022.3.4f1 for the 1-BIT JAM. Theme: Light & Dark

Sound effects:

Moving Platform sound effect:

Font: 8-bit Operator Plus 8-Regular


Settings icon:

Lock icon:

Game has been playtested little and might have some bugs. If so, please post a comment describing your issue.

Thanks for playing!


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I adore the concept of this game so much. I've always been a sucker for games that require you to remember stuff, and this is one of them. I feel like the graphics are too simple but I respect what you were going for. Also, I encountered a glitch where if you touch the star while simultaneously touching a firefly, the next level fails to load. Funny. But no, this is pretty good.

Thank you so much! And thanks for letting me know about the issue. Working on it!